Established in 1760 in the village of Baccarat, France, Baccarat is renowned for its exceptional crystal glassware.

From its humble beginnings as a glassworks, Baccarat quickly evolved into a symbol of timeless elegance and innovation.

The company’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship is evident in its transition from window panes to exquisite crystal pieces, using a unique English technique.

Baccarat’s reputation grew as they received prestigious commissions from royalty and heads of state worldwide. With a workforce dedicated to perfecting their craft for over 15 years, Baccarat has become a leader in the luxury glassware industry.

Meticulous attention to detail, a fusion of tradition and innovation, and a rich heritage define the essence of Baccarat. Discover the artistry and elegance of Baccarat’s creations, where each piece is a testament to exquisite craftsmanship.

A leader in the luxury glassware industry thanks to meticulous attention to detail and a unique fusion of tradition & innovation.
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